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  • Chris Trethewey

DAY 26

What are you afraid of? Really?

I'm not talking about spiders, heights, the dark, or even clowns. (BTW... all clowns are scary.) My question is focused on that deep seeded fear that lives right below the surface and is holding your thoughts and emotions captive.

Are you scared of living life alone or disappointing a friend?

Does fear attack when you think about your future and all that you want to accomplish?

Do you discover fear lurking right behind your self-confidence screaming that you really are not good enough and that you will never accomplish anything significant?

Is fear following you around attacking the courage you need to make that leadership decision?

What are you really afraid of?

The fear that David faced was vastly different than the fear we face today. But here is the reality about fear: fear is fear - no matter the cause of it. Fear is a dissabilating force that leaves you paralyzed and stuck.

And that is precisely why placing complete trust in God to be your light and your stronghold will keep your fear in check.

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